Posted in Psychology & Health

Human made stories about religions and the truth

Since two days I’ve been innerly struggling because of this topic. I really hate myself for getting involved in the Polish community abroad – forums. It always makes my blood to boil. In a negative way of course. Being very intelligent and aware of things does not make me feel better about this topic. It makes it worse because every time I realize that I was born on the same soil as them. I question myself what went wrong that I am treating my neighbour as I would treat myself but they cannot. They put blame on others, call them names “Ciapak”, “Terorysta”.

Jesus was a jew, his mother too. They were not white. How can these so called “true” Polish citizens call themselves Christians or Catholics ? They are abusing the Gods son while trying to show authority over citizens of other nations and believers of other religions. Because that is what we believe that Jesus is. A jewish man born to die for our sins on the cross. From my point of view he was a fool to die for all of us. We did not deserve his sacrifiece. We became more egositic, more matrerialistic and fake. We hurt people all week, then on Sunday we pretend to be super religious just to show off we are “Catholic”, just as if religion was something created to obtain good name and fame in society. Sorry to disappoint you all, its not !

I have a big fear of God. Even though people (at least from Poland) will not see it while trying to analyze my behaviour I am extremely into reading Holy scripts. Blame my elders for buying me a Bible every occasion they got. I really read into it and to me its not plain text. Its teachings which I respect and inspiration which I turned into my own book of priciples which I follow in life. To me its not about going to church. That does not make me feel the satisfaction of being a good human. I want to do good to humankind. Do charities and be involved with my body and soul. Not only for the good of Polish people but even people from coutries in Asia, Africa or South America. I know many of you will not understand me. Not everyone has the same inclinations as me. By it I mean being involved with the people of other ethnitcities and religious beliefs. To me they are all the same despite their outer shell. They can do as much good and bad as all of us.

So you probably start wondering what exactly triggered this “fire” in me. So two days ago while scrolling through my facebook page I’ve noticed a poster with missing children. I went inside to read and since the children were probably held in Pakistan somewhere by their dad according to the mother in Poland which registered the kids missing I decided to help. I am married to a Pakistani that still lives in Pakistan after all. Then I got to read this bullshit. To be honest many unnecessary comments which did not have to do with the case or could help in any way. One lady was eagerly trying to convince everyone that its a tradition for the people following Islam to kidnap their kids. Then she started saying that Quran teaches that the father has ownership over the kids. There is not such thing, maybe before but not now. Many countries that follow Islam try to undestand Quran from a new prespective and apply it in the society in a way that will not go against all human rights. Not everyone succeeds but they try. In Islam there is a religious leader just like we have a Pope, who with other Islamic scholars decides on the guidelines which are applied in the societies. Not everyone agrees on all changes. Some are more narrow-minded than others but there has been some improvements. And we shall remember that just like we Christians all around the world have different custom, its an individual thing in the islamic societies as well. They have group pressure of course but its just like we have it without noticing that we have. Remember we lost the right to abortion in Poland in 2019 ? Thats because of the Christian scholars in Poland that planned this with the prime minister. To make Poland an example of a “highly” religious society which it is not. Its totally against human rights and moreover against the EU-regulations.

While searching for evidence that there is no such fu**ing rule as father owning kids I found this file. Feel free to read it. Its very interesting and its interprets Qurans verses about child custody from different perspectives which I like. We shoud always question things before we decide on our final statements.

People please , lets not spread hate through social media! Its not healthy.

Since I mention the child abduction case to you, I know many people in Pakistan follow me so please if you know anything about the wareabouts of Sadia (9 yrs) or Ahmed (6 yrs) or even their dad Saleem Muhammad that was lastly seem with the kids in Sialkot, Pakistan call to the following numbers : +48 883 859 092 , +48 570 897 432 or PM me on any of the social medias I have so I can convey the message to the person that is in contact with the kids mother.

The kids were supposed to return back home in Poland on 29/9 but they never showed up at the airport. They were lastly in contact on 27/9 at around 3 PM (Polish time I suppose) . I am not sure what is the back story of this case. If the couple had a good understanding before the kids even went to Pakistan so have in mind that there could be other circumstances which led to disappearance of Saleem, Sadia and Ahmed before you throw a fist at someone or drag them to police station.

To Polish people that will probably start making up things and drive me crazy with their antiforeigner propaganda… Read this:

Tommorows post will be on the injustice, propaganda and unfairness regarding the term “terrorist”. I’m gonna make you think. A lot.

Until tommorow!

Peace ✌ & Love ❤

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