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The nation with best hospitality ?

Today, while scrolling facebook feed I found a post where a person asked to mention a country in the comment that has the best hospitality. Automatically many people became engaged, joining the race of who is the best, selling lies to those that do not know the reality. My answer was the most realisitic of all – ” I don’t think it exist…” .

And with all honesty I stand by my words because how can you call yourself a hospitable nation when there are homeless people on the streets of your country, either just giving up their life or begging for money. Poland has homeless people and Sweden does too but when people of white color arrive to a more poor country automatically these people become kings, not because of the best hospitality or because people love to help others but because they smell money and favors. How sad it sounds, doesn’t it?

And yet, its the cruel truth. No money and no power, means no heartwarming gestures, free food or drinks. There will be barely anyone wanting to shake your hand or even look at you. You will become an invisible background, no one will question why you are where you are and how you got yourself there.

(Photo by David Atkins on

There is another lesson that comes with my discovery. People seems extremely hungry when it comes to being the best, the most beautiful, having the best things. Why? Because they have lived their whole life looking at the wrong examples of a human, chasing dreams and illusions instead of becoming a proper woman or a man. A person that does not fight about titles knows that it is the best he or she could be. Why engaging in the rat race? What do you gain by that?

Thank you & see you …